Migraines – within 4 months the difference is amazing

Migraines – within 4 months the difference is amazing

I have been suffering from migraines for 30 years! I can honestly say within 4 months the difference is amazing. Instead of 3 day violent migraine I now have 3 hour headaches, and it is getting better the more I am being treated. Jackie is so understanding and helpful and it makes me feel totally trusting that one day I may finally not have to have the constant threat of daily headaches! Yvette Law (April 2019) Homeopathy with Jackie Hopper Facebook review
Jackie Hopper
I have been suffering from migraines for 30 years! I can honestly say within 4 months the difference is amazing. Instead of 3 day violent migraine I now have 3 hour headaches, and it is getting better the more I am being treated. Jackie is so understanding and helpful and it makes me feel totally trusting that one day I may finally not have to have the constant threat of daily headaches! Yvette Law (April 2019) Homeopathy with Jackie Hopper Facebook review
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